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Case Studies

  • MoVGA museum of video game art logo creation
  • MoVGA challenge overview
  • MoVGA logo design and explanation
  • MoVGA merchandise mockups
  • Agave restaurant concept
  • Restaurant concept challenge overview
  • Agave mood board
  • Agave font creation explanation and comparison
  • Agave menu design
  • Agave business card design
  • Talenti logo redesign with mockups of ice cream packaging
  • an explanation of why and how I wanted to redesign Talenti's logo
  • a slide describing what I changed about the Talenti logo
  • Packaging redesign for Talenti
  • old and new ice cream packaging comparison
  • nutrition label packaging design
  • Talenti ice cream packaging redesign mockups
  • Talenti ice cream packaging redesign lid mockups
  • #plastickills, a social awareness campaign about plastic pollution
  • an overview of #plastickills, a campaign to spread awareness about plastic pollution
  • two images of a sad-looking Earth, one black and grey, the other colored with green and blue
  • describing the creative process for coming up with the campaign concept
  • billboard mockups for a social awareness campaign about plastic pollution
  • billboard mockups for a social awareness campaign about plastic pollution
  • a mockup of a black totebag with the slogan "plastic kills" in red and white font with a sad Earth symbol.
  • a screenshot of a quiz about plastic pollution created for social media