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About AS Consulting

a photo of Amelia Shroyer, the founder of AS Consulting

Amelia Shroyer offers marketing, branding, and graphic design services to small businesses.

I’m Amelia Shroyer. I’ve spent the last 15 years marketing for companies of all sizes and industries, as well as launching several of my own solo projects.

Let me tell you: there’s a big difference between marketing for a big company with all the resources in the world and hustling to get your own business off the ground.

You’ve got to wear a lot of hats, be a specialist in every subject, all while pretty much just learning as you go. It’s an incredibly rewarding challenge.

Why work with AS Consulting?

What I’ve always liked most about this kind of work is the branding and design. How do you find the right audience for your offering? How do you make what you’re selling stand out to them? And how do you even reach them?

By now, I’ve pretty much gotten it down to a science. I call it the Brand Blueprint.

Now, I want to bring the Brand Blueprint to people like you, whose passion to create something special drives them to launch their own business. I want to give you all the tools I learned in my 15-year career: how to market yourself online, how to set up your website, how to create social media channels – all of it.

I want to do the heavy lifting to get you started, and give you the tools you need to continue sustainably on your own.

Sound interesting?